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  • Leaders Create a Culture of Leadership
    Great leaders create a corporate culture where people value strong leadership and strive to create it. Just as we need more people to provide leadership in the complex organizations that dominate our world today, we also need more people to develop the cultures that will create that leadership. Institutionalizing a leadership-centered culture is the ultimate act of leadership.
    [ 2013/5/23 ]
  • Leadership is Different from Management
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    Leadership is different from management, but not for the reasons most people think. Leadership isn't mystical and mysterious. It has nothing to do with having “charisma” or other exotic personality traits. It is not the province of a chosen few. Nor is leadership necessarily better than management or a replacement for it.
    [ 2013/5/22 ]
  • Managing Global Organization: The Key to Developing Leadership Competencies for Chinese Managers
    Chinese businesses have been integrating into the global economy at an extraordinary pace during the past decade. This large scope of globalization in China has created unprecedented human resource challenges. A chief concern has been the acute scarcity of Chinese leadership talent.
    [ 2013/3/11 ]
  • Learning agility :a construct whose time has come
    A significant consequence of today’s dynamic, complex, and uncertain business envi
    [ 2014/7/4 ]
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