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Change Management 2019/6/10
Theoretical Foundation: Leading Business – Agility
*Understand key factors of successful Change Management.
*Learn how to drive Change Management at 3 levels: managing attitude (willingness); managing people; managing process.
Target Audience: Mid-level to senior managers, Change project taskforce, HR Leader, OD Professionals, Leadership Consultant
Learning Format and Methodology:
*Lecturing with interaction
*Sand table simulation
*Case Study
*Video Case
*Board game
*Group Discussion
Length: 2 days
1. Change Management Overview
  -a Good Change vs a Successful Change
  -Reasons why you Fail at Change
  -Managing 4 types of People in Change
  -4 factors of Successful Change
2. Sand-table Simulation 1st Round: Urgency Building
  -Introducing John Kotter’s Eight “pitfalls of change” and Change Process Model
  -2 Ways to Drive Change
  -How to reinforce urgency-building
3. Sand-table Simulation 2nd Round: Initiating Change
  -Establish a Change Team
  -Develop a Change Vision
  -5 Benefits of a Change Vision
4. Sand-table Simulation 3rd Round: Implementing Change
  -Communication of Vision
  -Change Communication Skills
  -Empowering actions
  -Tips to push change actions
5. Sand-table Simulation 4th Round: Sustaining Change
  -Steps to Make Short-term Result
  -Tips to Sustain Change