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Communication & Influence Skills 2019/6/10
Theoretical Foundation: Leading People – Relating People
*Understand one’s own communication styles as well as others; Equipped with techniques to build good interpersonal relationship quickly.
 *Know the way to increase one’s sphere of influence and be able to apply in the workplace.
Target Audience: Junior to mid-level managers
Learning Format and Methodology:
*On-site Assessment
*Card Exercise
*Cross-team Consulting
*Lecturing with interaction
*Case Study
*Video Case
*Group Discussion
Length: 1 day
1. Understanding Yourself and Understanding Others
  -Acknowledging and Respecting Difference; Understanding different types of Communication Styles
  -How to Speedread Other’s Personality
  -Communication Tactics with Different Kinds of People
2. Strategies to Increase Your Personal Influence
  -Self-assessment on Influence Strategies
  -Introducing 10 Influencing Techniques
3. Building Your Influential Power Base
  -Self-assessment on Power Base
  -Introducing SOP Power Base
  -How to Increase Your Power Base
4. Relationship between Power Bases and Influence Tactics