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Behavioral Interview Skills 2019/6/10
Theoretical Foundation: Leading People – Developing People
Build the capability of participants to conduct effective competency-based interview with confidence via a standard approach, process and skills as well as the necessary communication skills.
Target Audience: Junior to mid-level managers, HR/TA/OD Professionals
Learning Format and Methodology:
*Video Case
*Lecturing with interaction
*Role Play
*Group Discussion
Length: 1 day
1. Purpose of Interview
2. Structured Competency Interview
  -Differences with Traditional Interview
  -Characters, Pros and Cons of Structured Competency Interview 
  -Key points of Structured Competency Interview
  -How to prepare interview questions linking with specific competencies
3. The Art and Science of Interview Questioning
  -Introduction of Structured Questioning
  -Oral and Verbal Communication Skills
 4. Role Play - Questioning Exercises
  -Role play in turn
  -Starting from competency selection and relevant questions design…
  -Practice / Giving feedback/ Consulting by turns